Four new parking positions for aircraft maintenance

After the realization of the capital project for the extension of Terminal B, which increased the spatial and technological capacities of the terminal building, the work on the maneuvering areas for aircraft servicing was finalized at the Sarajevo International Airport. All necessary approvals from competent institutions have been obtained, primarily from the Federal Ministry of Spatial Planning and the regulator - the Directorate for Civil Aviation of BiH

In this regard, starting tomorrow, 4 new parking positions for aircraft servicing will be opened at the Sarajevo airport. The platform for parking and servicing the aircraft was expanded from the existing 7 to 11 parking positions, which represents an increase in the capacity of the platform by as much as 60%.

This increases the possibility of accepting and dispatching a larger number of aircraft at the same time, with special emphasis on the acceptance and dispatch of Boeing B737-800 or Air Bus A321 aircraft.

The realization of this significant project is only one of the items in a series of planned development infrastructure projects.

With the aim of preserving the dominant role in air traffic in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the management of Sarajevo International Airport continues the mission of constantly strengthening capacity, attracting new companies and improving the quality of service.