TUI Group started operating flights from London Gatwick to Sarajevo

    TUI one of the world's leading tourism groups launched an entirely new and the first winter programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    The first flight from London Gatwick to Sarajevo was launched and the fans of skiing, snowboarding and other winter activities were immediately lead to come to Sarajevo and to enjoy in our Olympic beauties.

    The largest British ski operator, Cristal Sky runs the weekly programme which includes Bjelašnica and Jahorina as two main ski centres in our country.

    TUI's decision is a result of successful negotiations which the Airport Sarajevo started with the abovementioned company in May of the current year at the European Routes in Bergen, as well of innovative scheme of incentives which the Sarajevo International Airport offers and which was developed in 2022 in cooperation with the USAID's Project of Developing Sustainable Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Turizam).

    This innovative scheme ensures to airline companies and tour operators to operate with their fleet of aircraft per competitive prices, what makes Bosnia and Herzegovina more fascinating, attractive and more accessible European destination.

    Tourists who were on this flight were given the appropriate presents by a local brand Lasta, and the presents by our partners, the Tourism Association of Sarajevo Canton and The Hub of Fine Arts.

    You may see on the photos how tourists spend their time and enjoy on our mountains.

    Please find below a video by Tourism Association about the winter programme: