Visit from High school Students of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Centre Sarajevo

As a part of a project Volunteering is Cool, high schools students of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Centre Sarajevo visited Sarajevo International Airport Sarajevo yesterday.  The occasion for the visit was both marking the International Day of Deaf People and promoting sign language.

Friendly staff of the Airport Sarajevo introduced students with basics of passenger handling process, by showing them how they can check-in for a flight when travelling and the rules they must follow when at the airport and when on board.

During the visit, the students brought to attention to their interlocutors how to communicate, i.e. to speak slower, to speak briefly and clearly, with a face turned towards the person they speak to.

This visit was also an opportunity for employees of the airport to get acquainted with the difficulties and challenges hearing impaired persons face with. Also, the options on further activities whose goal is solving the problems for persons with disabilities face with when travelling via air were discussed. One of the activities is that important airport terminology is done in sign language through video presentation for hearing impaired persons, and the representatives of the Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Centre Sarajevo are going to present the same during the next visit to Sarajevo International Airport.