Sarajevo International Airport joined ACI – ASQ Programme (Airport Service Quality)

It makes us a great pleasure to inform all of our service users that Sarajevo International Airport, as many airports across Europe and the world, joined ACI’s ASQ Programme (Airport Service Quality) in October this year. As a part of the Programme, we are going to carry out survey on quality of services we provide.

The Airport Service Quality (ASQ) is a programme for evaluation of the airport service quality and a lead global programme for benchmarking, i.e. measuring customer satisfaction through key performance indicators.

The survey at Sarajevo International Airport has been carried out by accredited ASQ fieldwork agents who interview passengers, via specialized the ASQ questionnaire by ACI.

The Airport Sarajevo has prioritised the customer satisfaction in its everyday activities and business operations, and the ASQ Programme is one of the ways to find out what our passengers’ needs and preferences are, and in accordance with that, to improve all of our business operations.

The ASQ Programme records a growth in number of participants – airports every year, i.e. over 390 airports from 90 countries across the world, and majority of the European airports participate in the same.

In order to qualify for yearly the ASQ awards, the airports have to comply with ACI’s criteria and rules. The survey must be carried out strictly in accordance with the Airport’s Sample Plan created by ACI, the one it guarantees a representative sample in terms of flights, destinations and groups of passengers that are being handled at the airport.