Sarajevo International Airport the first BH Company that adopted Gender Equality Plan

After successfully completed activities on implementation of legal regulations, PC Sarajevo International Airport LLC Sarajevo adopted Gender Equality Plan. That is the first document of this type the Company adopted and it applies to implementation of provisions of the Law on Gender Equality in B&H. It is necessary to emphasize that PC Sarajevo International Airport LLC Sarajevo is the first company and the first public company in B&H that adopted this kind of document and declared its commitment to the implementation of gender equality perspective in all policies, processes and activities of this public company.

In cooperation with the Gender Centre of the Government of Federation of B&H and with the support of FIGAP II Programme, the activities for drawing up the Gender Equality Plan of PC Sarajevo International Airport LLC Sarajevo started at the end of the previous year. The first step was signing the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Gender Centre of the Government of the Federation of B&H and PC Sarajevo International Airport LLC Sarajevo to define the methodological approach for drawing up the Plan which entailed:

  • drawing up of a detailed survey on a number of employees and distribution of women and men pursuant to job positions;
  • the analysis of legal and regulatory framework with a focus on the Company's internal acts;
  • identifying obstacles and inequalities in reference to actual gender issues in the Company;
  • self-evaluation.

Completing the very questionnaire included general information in terms of human resources (policies and practices in the area of human resources, number of employees and employees profile, average salary, working experience, flexibility in terms of working hours, parental leave (maternity or paternity leave), benefits for female and male employees as well as information on training targeting specific areas in relation to prevention of harassment and discrimination, handling situations of gender, family and partner based violence and similar. An important segment, which is also examined is working environment, infrastructure adjusted to women and men, health and safety at work, gender-sensitive risk analysis on health of each specific job position, personal protective equipment and similar.

‘’The analysis that was carried out showed that the internal Company's acts do not contain any obstacles with respect to discrimination or inciting gender segregation, both with employment and during a period of employment contract, in terms of opportunities for promotion and performing managerial tasks. The organization of the Company shows that understanding for the topic is present as well as consideration to gender equality. Women in management positions are well accepted and there are no obstacles recognized for their promotion. Also, existence of sexual harassment was not identified. These are all facts which encourage and stimulate us to go towards the constant promotion of gender equality in the Company,'' said Alan Bajić, the Managing Director of Sarajevo International Airport.


The Gender Equality Plan is based on requirements of comprehensive legal framework for gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina which regulates non-discrimination at work and protection of personal integrity of employees, including protection in relation to harassment, but it also ensures temporary specific measures for promotion of gender equality in the areas and matters where major differences in favour of one gender are observed.