Certification process of the aerodrome operator PC Sarajevo International Airport LLC Sarajevo successfully completed

At the beginning of 2021, Sarajevo International Airport submitted an application to BH Directorate of Civil Aviation for the purpose of an aerodrome certification in compliance with the Rulebook laying down requirements and administrative procedures related to aerodromes, i.e. EASA (Easy Access Rules for Aerodromes (Regulation (EU) No 139/2014) standards. A team for the implementation of this project was established, and it consisted of the airport employees – experts from different areas of expertise who were engaged for the purpose of elaborating the EASA’s requirements.

By the end of May, the team of the BHDCA experts approached to a more detailed oversight and evaluation of fulfilment of requirements pursuant to the Rulebook, i.e. EASA, for the purpose of issuing a certificate, i.e. an aerodrome operator certificate for PC Sarajevo International Airport LLC Sarajevo.

During this process, a detailed evaluation of all documents regarding the procedures for performing the air operations at the aerodrome, maintaining the aerodrome and security management system was carried out. Afterwards, the validation of documents under actual operating conditions was carried out as well as the operative examination of the airport and the report was drawn up regarding the certification process carried out.

Ultimately, a decision was issued confirming that PC Sarajevo International Airport LLC Sarajevo complied with the requirements to operate the aerodrome LQSA – Sarajevo International Airport in accordance with the Aviation Law of B&H, applicable regulations reached on the grounds of the same, the certification basis, the terms of the certificate and the airport manual.

As of 01 June 2022, PC Sarajevo International Airport LLC Sarajevo was the first aerodrome in Bosnia and Herzegovina to be awarded this certificate for an unlimited duration.

Sarajevo International Airport will continue to implement all of the activities with respect to regular inspections in different areas.