New boiler room and substation started operating

    Work success of Sarajevo International Airport has been proved with a constant growth of our service users. Development of all business segments is a strategic orientation of the airport, thus numerous projects have been launched which would eventually ensure expansions and infrastructure support to the expansion of the airport capacities.

    One of those projects is also recently finished project of the airport’s boiler room expansion. An increase in relation to the capacities and the needs (construction of new facilities) has entailed the need to increase the capacities of the boiler room. The expansion of the capacities was implemented as designed and a third boiler of 3000 kW with the supporting infrastructure was installed.

    Also, new substation 10 (20) /0.4 kV AERODROM 3 was constructed and it started operating. It is designed for the needs of the power supply for the expanded Terminal B for passengers and baggage handling at Sarajevo International Airport as well as for new OPC facility, the Airport Sarajevo Operations Centre.

    The substation is equipped with the most modern equipment with the use of Central Management System (CMS). The system of centralized surveillance and management of CMS substation will be connected to newly designed central surveillance system of the Terminal B, and it will be possible to operate the substation from the Terminal B building.


    A plant for secondary power supply is a part of the new substation, equipped with two diesel generators of 660 kVA power each. In case of power cuts, primary consumers would have the power supply through these generators.