Meeting of Danova Project Participants

    Participants of a transnational Danova project – transport services for blind and partially blind people in Danube region attended a meeting organized by the Technical University of Moldova which was held on 17th and 18th November in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova.

    The representatives of 14 project partners from 9 countries attended the meeting in person or via on-line platform, including the representatives of Sarajevo International Airport, i.e. Berin Riđanović – Project Manager and Emina Šehović – Financial Project Manager.

    The Project Manager on behalf of Sarajevo International Airport, Berin Riđanović, presented the plan of activities of SIA for 2022 and acquainted the attendees with the conclusions of the workshop which was organized in September 2021 in Sarajevo by SIA. The Association of Blind and partially Blind people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other stakeholders were part of the same as well.

    All project participants presented their upcoming activities in the project implementation; members of the committee for selection of the best innovative solution were appointed and it was concluded that the national workshops with the project stakeholders should be held by the end of February 2022. The work dynamic and the composition of the Transnational Committee for Blind and Partially Blind People were defined.