Vaccination of Employees Organized at SIA

Sarajevo International Airport as socially responsible company has joined numerous public companies which have carried out the vaccination among employees who showed the interest. Being aware of the importance of vaccination against COVID-19, particularly because of the fact that our employees are the first line of contact with passengers all around the world, the Management of the airport has identified this action as a priority.

Namely, at the beginning of this month, in cooperation with the Association of Employers of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the vaccination of employees of Sarajevo International Airport was carried out, with a great turnout.

To be reminded, Sarajevo airport, at the end of last year, was accredited with a certificate by the Airport Council International (ACI) and that gave assurances to passengers of safe health environment, particularly in relation to the coronavirus pandemic.

The ACI health certificate demonstrates that Sarajevo International Airport fulfils all requirements and criteria set by the International Civil Aviation Organization in reference to hygiene and the health of passengers.

We will continue to act in accordance with the current recommendations by the Public Health Institute and the Crisis Committee, following and complying with all epidemiological measures in force.