Public Institution „Libraries of the city of Sarajevo“ once again supplemented book totals of Bookcrossing points at Sarajevo International Airport with interesting titles

    Passengers at Sarajevo International Airport while waiting for their flights may enjoy reading the books, take the books on board and upon landing leave them on another Bookcrossing point at any other airport.
    The books are mainly fictional and available in several foreign languages, BiH official languages and suitable for all readers of all ages.
    This "flying library" is a part of Bookcrossing's global project called "Flying book" which was joined by Sarajevo International Airport as first in the country two years ago, on idea of the Libraries of Sarajevo, whose ultimate purpose is to spread the reading culture.
    In addition, the passengers in departure area and catering facilities are offered with a special edition of the SIAM magazine in which we tried to summarize 50-year-long history of our airport.