Sarajevo International Airport (hereinafter referred to as: SIA) participates in the exercise Quick response this year, too

    This year SIA continued participating in the exercise “Quick response 2019” which simulated an action of fighting the protest at the Airport, neutralization of an explosive device, check and removal of an unattended- dangerous baggage, and administering first aid to the injured.

    The Airport’s crisis team was summoned because of the exercise to manage and coordinate all the activities.

    The exercise „Quick response“ is an annual test of EUFOR's level of training for a quick build-up of military forces due to its Reserves that are in a state of full readiness. The exercise is conducted in cooperation with BiH institutions and authorities in charge of law inforcement.

    Purpose of the exercise is to get regular and reserve forces trained for solving emergencies, to test adopted regulations, plans and procedures for this kind of emergency, as well as to improve communication system and coordination of activities among involved parties.

    All crisis related activities were taken during the exercise, including release of necessary notices, meeting of relevant teams, conveying the information to relevant services and institutions, and issuing necessary instructions.

    The exercise was evaluated successful.