Exercise called “Air crash at Sarajevo International Airport“ held today

    In cooperation with emergency agencies and institutions of the local community, today at Sarajevo International Airport was held the exercise “Air crash at Sarajevo International Airport“ (RED WING 8).
    It was a simulation of an air crash of the Red Wing's aircraft ATR 72 with 30 passengers and crew members on its flight from Ancona to Sarajevo.
    There were six dead passengers, six seriously injured, ten lightly wounded and 8 uninjured ones.
    Then followed the actions of fire-fighting, rescue, evacuation and triage of the victims by the Airport services and paramedics.
    The simulation of an air crash and the whole exercise was aimed at testing a level of training of personnel and operative level of the existing Emergency Plan, as well as SIA authorities and employees supported by the Professional Fire Brigade Sarajevo, the Institute for first-aid, Border Police BiH and the Ministry of the Interior of Sarajevo Canton.
    SIA Security Committee monitoring the exercise evaluated as successful since the readiness and competence of participants proved to be on an enviable level.