Meeting held at Sarajevo International Airport on procedures in case of health-related emergency

    The meeting was attended by representatives of numerous institutions and organizations whose roles and duties are defined by the Action plan in case of health-related emergency - the document adopted by Sarajevo International Airport in accordance with provisions of the BiH Law on aviation and on recommendation of the BiH Directorate of civil aviation and the World Health Organization. Among attendees were representatives of the Ministry of civil affairs and the WHO Office in BiH.
    The Plan includes tasks of employees of Sarajevo International Airport, BHANSA, i.e. the Air traffic control unit, the Border Police unit at Sarajevo Airport, Customs office at Sarajevo Airport, representatives of airlines operating at SIA, the Institute for ambulance service of Sarajevo Canton, Rescue and Fire service at Sarajevo International Airport, the Federal Border sanitary inspection, the Public Health of KS and FBIH, The KS Civil defence, hospitals staff, etc...
    Special attention on the meeting was paid to the existing procedures and operating action plans in case of health-related emergency, protection of aircraft Ground Handling staff, passengers and baggage, as well as the others having contact with infected persons (personnel of GP, HMP, airlines, etc.).
    Readiness of SIA employees to respond to medical crisis situations was presented during a visit of the Airport locations when attendees were presented the isolation room for accommodation of a suspected passenger, special suits to be worn when having contact with infected persons, and other necessary equipment.