Gratis travel insurance for passengers who buy their tickets on-line via web page of Sarajevo International Airport

Persons who buy their air tickets in the period from June 1 – 30, 2019, via web page of Sarajevo International Airport, will be granted charge-free traveling health insurance due to cooperation with Adriatic Insurance.

In case your business or tourist journey is stopped by various medical issues, it is good to know that the traveling health insurance of Adriatic Insurance covers the following:

  • Costs of urgent and imperative medical treatments
  • Inpatient treatment (medicines, bandages, plaster cast), as well as certain therapies prescribed by a doctor
  • Hospital treatment in adequate foreign hospitals
  • Surgical interventions (just in case of emergency)

To get a cost-free travel insurance, please contact our ticketing staff by e-mail: or phone numbers: + 387 33 289 266 and + 387 33 289 267.

In order to upgrade its services in accordance with passengers' requests and expectations, Sarajevo International Airport, a year ago launched online ticketing as the first sales agent in Bosnia and Herzegovina offering this service.

Online purchase of air tickets may be realized via official web page of Sarajevo International Airport, i.e. in the online form being visible as soon as you open the page. After entering your destination and dates of flights in corresponding columns, the system will list all the offers and options (number of transfers, different carriers...), starting from the most favourable offer. This sophisticated approach enables you to create a journey in accordance with your priorities.

The system created in cooperation with the global booking system Amadeus e-Power, integrates all the steps being necessary to buy a ticket at one place. In addition, the system also includes a possibility to choose a seat in the cabin, pieces of baggage, etc.

In order to facilitate access to our passengers, the system has been set up to offer Sarajevo as a departure airport, but you can change it and select any of hundreds of airports worldwide, recognized by the system. Tickets are available for flights of over 50 different airlines.

The system is safe for credit cards payment since it was developed in cooperation with Intesa Sanpaolo bank and WS PAY-payment provider. Tickets are payable with MasterCard and VISA credit cards.