EBRD Meeting: Numerous political and business delegations from region and Europe arrive in Sarajevo via Sarajevo International Airport

Due to the EBRD's 2019 Annual Meeting of governors' Committee, it is expected that, in addition to scheduled operations, a lot of charter and private aircraft are going to land today and tomorrow morning at Sarajevo International Airport, bringing to the BiH capital numerous business people and politicians' delegations from the region and Europe. Several delegations already arrived last evening while today in the afternoon and tomorrow morning should land charter planes with senior government officials guided by ministers of foreign affairs from Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and Northern Macedonia, as well as many business people and representatives of big corporations including those from automotive industry. Increased number of passengers to arrive today and tomorrow makes the airport's manpower needs more complex, but owing to maximum engagement of our staff all activities are in progress without jams or any other problems.
In addition to employees of Sarajevo International Airport, much credit for such results goes to the Border Police BiH, UIO BiH, Air Traffic control and many agencies working at Sarajevo International Airport.
This business forum will be attended by 8o delegations and more than 2000 representatives of the international business community, investors, governmental officials and members of civil societies. Most of them will arrive via Sarajevo International Airport.