Works on construction of a VIP lounge in progress at Sarajevo International Airport

    After a complaint lodged to the Office for complaints that made a decision in favour of P.C. Sarajevo International Airport, the works have continued on reconstruction of the VIP lounge where previously was placed a boiler-house. The existing building will not be demolished but redesigned instead.
    The reconstruction works will take nine months, and their value has been evaluated at approximately 1.5 million KM. To remind you, the VIP lounge with the floor area of 300 square meters will provide VIP services both to arrival and departure passengers in the same building.
    The VIP lounge will have the area for X-ray screening, Customs control, check-in, passport control and a Welcome desk – reception point. According to the design, the building with all its services will be accessible both from land side and air side and for that reason it will be used both by departing passengers and those who land at Sarajevo International Airport.
    The VIP lounge will have discretely separated groups for relaxation, furnished with modern sofa and chair sets, information displays, WIFI signal, TVs, room for press conferences, separate area for organization of business meetings with more participants, a relaxation apartment that can also be used as a prayer area, a separate working space for smaller working meetings, fully equipped toilet block, as well as refreshment services, with a possibility of providing catering services, too.
    The VIP lounge is being reconstructed not only because it is a significant income source but also because it became necessary to extend the existing VIP facilities due to a constant growth of a number of passengers and air traffic operations. The VIP lounge is going to be like the most sophisticated VIP lounges at the international airports, both in terms of its design and the quality of the services it will provide.