New incentive for passengers at Sarajevo International Airport who bought tickets online

Sarajevo International Airport in cooperation with MasterCard and Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, prepared a new incentive for users of its services.
Passengers who buy air tickets online, via Sarajevo Airport's official web page and pay with MasterCard or Maestro card of any bank, in the period from 15.09.2018 till 15.12.2018, will be able to use the business class lounges at Sarajevo International Airport free of charge.
This incentive pertains only to the tickets bought and used during this campaign, i.e. from 15.09. till 15.12. this year*. Holders of air tickets will be able to use the lounge free of charge regardless of whether they bought the tickets by themselves or someone else did it for them. Passengers are obliged to have an e-ticket (whether printed or in electronic form) as a proof that it was paid by MasterCard. The campaign includes all MasterCards regardless by which bank or in which country it was issued.
Sarajevo International Airport has three business class lounges out of which one is for smokers.
They are nicely furnished and have the information display, TV, wireless signal.
Passengers are welcomed by kind staff who will offer them various alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, hot drinks, sandwiches and appetizers. The lounges have local and international newspapers and magazines.
We remind you that Sarajevo International Airport has recently introduced online ticketing thus becoming the first airport in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the region which offers this kind od service.
Air tickets may be bought online at the Airport's official web page –, on the online form you see as soon as you open the page. After you enter destination and date of journey in relevant columns, the system will show you all the offers and options (number of transfers, different carriers...), starting with the most favourable offer. This sophisticated approach offers you a chance to create your journey in accordance with your wishes and priorities.
The system is created in cooperation with the global passenger platform Amadeus, and it includes all necessary steps that enables purchase of air ticket at one place.
In addition, our system includes a possibility to choose a seat in the plane, quantity of your baggage, etc.
In order to make it easier to our passengers, the system is adjusted so to offer Sarajevo as a starting point of journey, but you can change it and choose any airport in the world recognized by the system. Thanks to this system, tickets can be bought for flights of more than 50 different carriers, and of a lot of low-cost airlines for which the tickets cannot be bought at other sales agents.
Further, the system that is totally safe for online card payment has been developed in cooperation with Intesa Sanpaolo bank and WS PAY-payment provider. Additional convenience for our clients is the fact that a complete transaction can be cancelled on the day of purchase, till 16:00 hrs.
In case you have more questions, do not hesitate to contact our ticketing desk: 033/289 266 or 033/289 267
* Passengers who bought tickets before 15.09.2018 cannot use the lounges free of charge not those who fly after 15.12.2018 even if they bought the ticket during the campaign.