Sarajevo International Airport Taking Part in the National Cleaner Manufacturing Program in BiH

The Sarajevo International Airport is proud of the fact that it was one of the participants in the National Cleaner Manufacturing Program in BiH. Cleaner manufacturing entails the implementation of the principle of forestalling (prevention) of pollution at the very source of its creation by replacing classical solutions for treatment of waste at the end of the production process. The results of introducing cleaner manufacturing are savings, reduced environmental effects and enhanced compliance with local legislation, EU regulations and international standards.
The project entails a conscious and voluntary decision of the company to replace classical ways of achieving competitiveness and productivity with the principle aimed at prevention and reduction of waste flows in the following ways:
  • more rational use of goods, water and energy,
  • lowering of production costs,
  • lowering of the amount of waste and emissions,
  • increasing the level of productivity and improved product quality,
  • creating an environmentally friendly company.
The project has been implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization – UNIDO in cooperation with local counterparts, the company Enova from Sarajevo and the Technology Faculty in Banja Luka.