Sarajevo International Airport Introducing Online Ticket Sale

    In order to enhance our services, in compliance with the demands and expectations of our travelers, the International Sarajevo Airport has established online ticket sale, thus becoming the first sales agent in Bosnia and Herzegovina offering this type of service. From now on, from the comfort of your home, with just a couple of actions on your computer, quickly and simply, you can purchase a ticked to your desired destination.
    Online purchase of airplane tickets is available at the official website of the Sarajevo International Airport – , namely, through the online form visible immediately once the page opens up. Once you have entered the destination and travel dates into the envisaged fields, the system will list all offers and options (the number of layovers, various airline transporters...), starting from the most favorable offer. This sophisticated approach enables you to create your own route according to your desires and priorities.
    The system has been created in cooperation with the global Amadeus e- Power booking system, integrating all actions necessary to enable the one-stop-shop based purchase of tickets.
    In addition to all of the above, our system also includes the option to choose the seat on the airplane, the quantity of luggage, and the like.
    Aimed at facilitating access for our passengers, the system has been designed so to offer Sarajevo as a starting point as a default, but you can change this and select any of the hundreds of airports throughout the world recognized by the system. Tickets can be purchased for flights for more than 50 airline companies.
    The system is completely safe for online card payments, and it has been developed in cooperation with the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank and the WS PAY as the payment provider. Tickets can be paid using MasterCard or VISA cards.
    For any additional questions, you may contact our ticket sales desk at phone numbers: 033/289 266, or 033/289 267