Continuation of successful cooperation between Sarajevo International Airport and Border Police BIH

    The Management of Sarajevo International Airport has today met with Management of the Border Police BiH.
    On behalf of Sarajevo International Airport the meeting was attended by its director Armin Kajmaković, executive manager for development Alan Bajić and manager of the Systems Management Sector Nermin Zijadić.
    On this occasion SIA and Border Police representatives evaluated their cooperation exceptionally successful.
    One of the main topics of the meeting was the forthcoming summer season, the busiest part of the year, when records regarding a number of passengers are regularly broken, what complicates staffing matters, both for Border Police BiH and Sarajevo International Airport. The attendees agreed that exceptional efforts of the employees of the Airport and Border Police, the record figures in summer season of 2017 were realized without any problems and major jams.
    The Airport management informed the director of Border Police Zoran Galić and his staff members about most important upcoming infrastructure projects on extension of the Airport that will enable more facilities for work of BiH Border Police Unit at the Airport.
    In context of modernization and extension of Terminal B, it is quite obvious it is an exceptionally demanding and challenging project, given the fact that Sarajevo International Airport does not have reserve accommodation space. It should be emphasized that execution of the works on extension of Terminal building must not affect regular air traffic operations, i.e. cause delays or possible stoppage.
    Director of Border Police BiH expressed his dedication to contribute and support as much as possible the forthcoming season due to increased number of flights and passenger at Sarajevo Airport in a way to extend capacity and engage more staff in Border Police unit at Sarajevo Airport.
    On behalf of Border Police BiH, apart from director Zoran Galić, the meeting was attended by the Chief of field office for airport Fahrudin Ibrić, Chief of the Office for professional standards and internal control Vladimir Popović and the Head of Operations Management Predrag Radojčić.