Cardinal Vinko Puljić received Mr. Ivica Veličan, director of Sarajevo International Airport

On Wednesday, 24 June 2015, Bosnian Archbishop Metropolitan, the Cardinal Vinko Puljić, received Mr Ivica Veličan, director of Sarajevo International Airport. The conversation started with the Cardinal's thanks to the director and all employees of Sarajevo International Airport for their excellent organization and readiness to help during the Pope Francis's visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina of 6 June 2015. Both the Cardinal and the Airport's director concluded that the complete organization of the Pope's visit had been very well prepared on satisfaction of the Wholly Father, pilgrims and all other attendees.
Next topic of the meeting was the planned opening of a praying room for Christians, Muslims and Jews at Sarajevo International Airport. Opening of praying facilities has become quite common at the international airports. Passengers often visit such facilities seeking for peace of soul and God’s closeness in contemporary busyness. On this occasion the Cardinal Puljić presented Mr Veličan and the Airport with a copy of the Bible. For the purpose of the opening of the praying room, Sarajevo International Airport has already been presented with prayer books of other religions, like Orthodox Christians, Muslims and Jews.