Passenger service on BH Airlines flights

Starting from 27 March 2011 the way of collecting the passenger service in the amount of 35,20 KM (i.e. 18 €) for departing passengers on behalf of the P.C. „Sarajevo“ International Airport Llc. , on BH Airlines flights, will be changed.
Instead of former collection by airlines at the moment of bying a ticket, passenger service will be charged in cash, directly from passengers at check-in counter at Sarajevo International Airport.
Such decision was made for the purpose of more clearly defined business relations between two different business operators, reduction of debt on that basis and more efficacious future cooperation. The decision had to be made in spite of the fact that it will cause additional job at check-in counters and more complicated procedures whose consequences will affect passengers, too.
For that reason we use this occasion to apologize to passengers and kindly ask for their understanding.